Evolution of a Design

How I Got from Here to There

It all started with this ring. I call it the Onion Peel Ring because the layers of silver reveal the innermost part (pearl). Everyone knows that the inside layer is the sweetest!

Anyway, I copied that ring from a photograph on Pinterest. It’s similar to one of my own designs that I was never really happy with. Maybe the same technique could be used on my old original piece.

Here’s the secret: The pearl is held in place with a wire post. A lot of pearl jewelry is made this way: half drilled, placed onto a pin and glued in place. That little wire pin got me thinking about earrings...

Tulip earrings copper.JPG

I made these earrings with some faceted teardrops pinned in place using two posts that meet in the center…

Then I found that it could be done by drilling holes in the metal and stringing a wire through the whole assembly, meeting at the top…

teardrop triangle purple.JPG

Then I wondered, could it be made with just wire…


Then I forgot to string the bead before bending the wire, so the bead went on the side (a good mistake)…

loop pink.JPG

Then I wanted the earrings to be square, so I experimented with different ways to hang them…


Then I wanted the earrings to be round, so I pinned the bead inside a spiral…

Wave Necklace.JPG

Then I thought it would make a nice necklace.

Wait, I’m not done yet. A sculpture is in the works that will be a larger version of the necklace!!

Note:  The Onion Peel Ring was part of an art show at the GCAA Creative Zone in Pinellas Park called “What I Did on my Quarantined Staycation”. It won an honorable mention!