100 Days
Torch and Soldering Set-Up in my Studio
I am on day 38 of a 100 day jewelry making challenge. I was inspired by a blog from Suzi Banks Baum to start a creative practice for 100 days. I’ve done this before (playing the fiddle), just didn’t know it was a thing! Since I couldn’t go anywhere, it has been the perfect time to start a new habit. I plan to use my jeweler’s torch to solder something, every day for 100 days.
I learned how to solder metals together early on. It is an important thing to know if you want to design and make jewelry. I don’t enjoy soldering, and I’m not that good at it either. You may have heard me say, “Some of my best designs come from asking myself, ‘I wonder if I could make that without soldering it?’” I aim to change my attitude and my skill level over the next few weeks and months, though I may decide never to do it again.
There are many variables which complicate the soldering process, such as size and thickness of the metal pieces, how the pieces are put together (layered, edge to edge), the type of metal (silver, copper, brass), and the number of pieces to be joined. The following is necessary for soldering success:
Both pieces of metal must be clean
Flux is necessary to protect and clean the metal. It also acts as a heat indicator.
Each side must fit together without gaps
Everything must be heated evenly
Each piece must be heated to a certain temperature before the solder will flow into the joint.
So far, I have learned from my mistakes and surprised myself at the successes. These are some of the practice pieces, mistakes and all, that I have made so far: